Baby Being Baptized
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Jesus Christmas Lettering



Come all you tired and weary souls

It’s not that hard to find Jesus, and this guy called William “GABRIEL” from The City of Angels will Teach you, no Church, no Baptism, no Bureaucracy, and I promise it’s all FREE!!! it’s all #ONLINE#

It’s not that hard to find Jesus, and this guy called William “GABRIEL” from The City of Angels will Teach you, no Church, no Baptism, no Bureaucracy, and I promise it’s all FREE!!! it’s all #ONLINE#

Matrix Space


Matrix Space


A Ministry of Service & Love... Charity and Helping Others First

Charity is that pure love which our Savior Jesus Christ has. He has commanded us to love one another as He loves us. The scriptures tell us that charity comes from a pure heart (see 1 Timothy 1:5). We have pure love when, from the heart, we show genuine concern and compassion for all our brothers and sisters.

Charity is that pure love which our Savior Jesus Christ has. He has commanded us to love one another as He loves us. The scriptures tell us that charity comes from a pure heart (see 1 Timothy 1:5). We have pure love when, from the heart, we show genuine concern and compassion for all our brothers and sisters.

Come all tired and weary souls;

You shall find your rest here.

Come all tired and weary souls;

You shall find your rest here.

Baby Holding White Flowers
Christian Cross With Text - Jesus.
Matrix Data Background

Morning Pray - Be thankful for the day

Neon Sign - Click Here

Be thankful again for being alive

Be thankful for all the Blessings

Before sleep Lord’s Prayer, Be Thankful for the blessings of the day, and ASK, make God your wishes, be patient, have FAITH, it’s for reals

PRAY! It’s all about your daily thoughts, HACK your Brain, Think more Positive. It will attract positive “VIBES” aka Energy!

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Ministry News

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Doesn’t Matter How we get to Jesus, the important is GETTING to him. There’s no RIGHT or WORNG, there’s No Right Church,

Most Churches are a Club, a Click Nowadays Am I Lying People???

Be very CAREFUL of FALSE Prophets they are EVERYWHERE...

Allan KardeC is Science & Religion...God is the end Goal, Jesus is the Administrator of EARTH, We are inside God’s MATRIX...

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Pray inside your HEAD every day, every time, he is your best friend, GOD will always listed to your PRAYERS... “Let’s Start with That”

Pray inside your HEAD every day, every time, he is your best friend, GOD will always listed to your PRAYERS... “Let’s Start with That”

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april 2nd, 2024

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Planetary Transition on April 8, 2024:

A planetary transition refers to an astrological event where planets align or shift positions in a significant way. While the specific significance of April 8, 2024, in terms of planetary transition would depend on astrological interpretations and beliefs, it could signify a time of change, growth, or potential transformation on a global scale.

Jesus Christ, Repentance, and Unity:

Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity, known for his teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness. Repentance, in Christian theology, is the act of turning away from sin and turning towards God. It is often seen as a path to redemption and spiritual renewal.

In the context of unity and global harmony, the message of Jesus Christ transcends religious boundaries. It emphasizes love for one another, regardless of differences in faith or background. Jesus' teachings encourage us to embrace compassion, understanding, and forgiveness, fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility for creating a better world.

APRIL 3rd 2024

Jonah, a prophet from the Hebrew Bible, was instructed by God to go to the city of Nineveh and warn its people of their impending destruction due to their wickedness. Initially, Jonah refused and attempted to flee from God's command by boarding a ship. However, a great storm arose, and Jonah was thrown overboard to calm the sea. He was swallowed by a great fish, where he spent three days and three nights in prayer and reflection. Eventually, he was vomited onto dry land.

Upon reaching Nineveh, Jonah reluctantly delivered God's message of impending doom, urging the people to repent. To his surprise, the people of Nineveh listened and repented of their sins, from the king to the commoners. As a result, God spared the city from destruction.

The number 7 holds significant symbolic importance in various cultures and religious traditions, including the Bible. In the story of Jonah, there are 7 cities mentioned, highlighting the recurring theme of divine completeness and perfection.

In a remarkable coincidence, during the solar eclipse of August 2017, which traversed a path across the United States, the eclipse path intersected with several cities named Salem. "Salem" itself means "peace" and often symbolizes harmony and tranquility. This alignment echoed the symbolism of the number 7 and highlighted the interconnectedness of natural phenomena with cultural and historical contexts.

As another solar eclipse approaches, scheduled for April 8, there's a unique convergence. Cities along its path, possibly including those named Nineveh, Salem, and others, emphasize the call for repentance and spiritual reflection. This coincidence serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of repentance and the urgency to heed divine warnings. In Christian belief, it echoes the teachings of Jesus Christ, urging repentance and acknowledging His role as the administrator of planet Earth. It emphasizes the need for spiritual awakening and recognition of divine authority in the world.

Dear People of the World,

In these times of uncertainty and division, let us pause and reflect on the universal message of love and compassion that transcends all boundaries. Regardless of our faiths, beliefs, or backgrounds, we are all interconnected as human beings sharing this beautiful planet.

On April 8, 2024, as the planets align and the universe moves in its mysterious ways, let us take this opportunity to realign ourselves with the principles of love, kindness, and understanding. It is a moment for introspection, repentance, and renewal, not just for individuals, but for humanity as a whole.

The teachings of Jesus Christ, revered by many, emphasize the importance of repentance as a path to redemption and spiritual growth. But beyond any single faith tradition, Jesus' message speaks to the fundamental truth of our shared humanity. His call for love, forgiveness, and unity echoes across the ages, reminding us that we are all children of the same Creator, bound together by our common humanity.

Let us not be divided by labels or ideologies that seek to separate us. Instead, let us come together in solidarity, embracing our diversity as a source of strength rather than division. Let us extend a hand of friendship to our neighbors, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds, for in the end, we are all part of the same global family.

As we navigate the challenges of our time, let us draw inspiration not only from the teachings of Jesus Christ but also from the wisdom of other faith traditions. Let us be open to learning from one another, recognizing that true understanding comes not from division, but from dialogue and mutual respect.

And as we strive to build a better world for future generations, let us not forget the lessons of history. Let us remember the struggles of those who came before us, including Muhammad, who faced persecution and hardship in spreading his message of love and peace. Let us acknowledge the misinterpretations that have plagued our sacred texts, recognizing that true faith requires humility, openness, and a willingness to question.

In our pursuit of a more just, compassionate, and harmonious world, let us not lose sight of the ultimate goal: to love one another as we love ourselves. Let us heed the call to repentance, not just in words, but in deeds, as we work together to create a world where all are valued, all are respected, and all are loved.

May the planetary transition on April 8, 2024, be a catalyst for positive change, a reminder of our interconnectedness, and a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

With love and solidarity, God Bless you and your Family...

>>>Will-I-am GABRIEL<<< My_Testimony | My_Portfolio |My Ministry

P.S. Let us also remember that the refusal of Israel to recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah is a historical mistake of immense proportions. Embracing Jesus Christ's message of love and redemption is not only a path to personal salvation but also a key to achieving peace and harmony in our world. Let us strive for understanding and reconciliation, acknowledging the importance of recognizing Jesus Christ as the true Messiah for the betterment of all humanity.